Typical Bank Holiday Weather

Allegedly it’s Summer. And specifically today it’s the late August Bank Holiday.

Of course, I got soaked.

Feeling like a good bike ride would set off my Bank Holiday Monday with a flourish, I was up and raring to go from 7.50, though after doing a round of coffees, making breakfast for the kids, making my own breakfast, then deciding to do a little online shopping, it was 10am before I finally left the house.

Just as I got out the door it started spitting.

Back in I went, Rapha Commuter Jacket donned, and then bosh, back out.

I couldn’t think of a good route, so just started pedalling north, and see where I ended up.

Well, I ended up turning in to my usual countryside loop, and then the drizzle turned to a full on shower, and I was caught right out in it. I stopped to put my hood up (why don’t more cycling jackets have hoods?) and then I figured I was already soaked, so rather than head home I might as well just carry on.

It must have rained hard for about 10 minutes, but then it eased off. Amazing.

By this point I was soaked but committed. The bike was dirty so why not just roll with it?

I figured a loping loop around Preston would be safe enough, keeping me not too far from home but still getting a decent-ish ride in. Fortunately being Bank Holiday and early doors(ish), it was quiet enough to enjoy a fairly peaceful ride.

By the time I got back I’d almost dried off. Having long sleeves and a jacket on however meant I was as wet from sweat as I was from rain water.

Annoyingly after that I managed to drop my bike whilst washing it, both wheels off I somehow dropped it on the shifters, scuffing both badly. Disappointed. I also sliced my finger in the process. A real fail.

It’s a strange start to the week. I now have SST tomorrow and frankly I feel a bit bushed. Not really looking forward to a hard ride. But needs must.

4 thoughts on “Typical Bank Holiday Weather”

  1. Sounds like new bike time 😉

    My opinion on hoods on cycling jackets: it’s a head mounted parachute. I prefer cycling caps. Helps keep the rain off my glasses, sun out the eyes, the melon somewhat insulated against the cold and soaks up some sweat.

    • I will try a cycling cap – never really given that much thought, but makes a lot of sense. More kit to buy!

      I’m not able to afford a new bike at the moment – life has other requirements for my money, mostly a new bathroom and kitchen. Had to put pretty much everything else on the back burner 🙁 On the plus side it makes no odds indoors, and that’s where I’m doing 90% of my riding lately anyway. Safer, too 🙂

      But yeah, be lovely to have a better bike, no doubt about it. Mine has been a great introduction to the sport but it’s not going to last forever.

  2. Ah yes, the joys of home ownership. Mine has some roof and possible foundation issues. if I was a more mature adult I’d possibly have addressed those instead of buying new bikes.

    Never listening to the missus and “let’s get a character house” again. New, boring and low maintenance is the way.


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