1 Minute Humps

I’m still not feeling quite ready for a structured workout. That’s something to look forwards to next week. All I had in mind for today was to pedal, and ideally do that for 45 minutes. That would be an nice increase of +5 minutes each ride so far this week.

I managed the 45 minutes.

Eagle eyed readers may spot a downturn in graphics / visuals. That’s because for this one I rode on my older cycling PC, as much to compare differences between the two MyWhoosh versions as anything. And yes, it is noticeably worse.

As yesterday I brought the laptop along, which does mean two things:

  1. Time goes somewhat quicker. I was ‘less busy’ today, so I kinda ran out of work. After that time resumed its usual slower pace I find when riding indoors.
  2. Having the laptop there means I generally don’t pedal / work as hard. There are reasons for this, not least of which is sweating all over the laptop is not ideal.

Once I’d ran out of work, and given there wasn’t much else happening in-game, I went looking for things to kill the time.

The first thing I noticed was a bug. When you ride behind a runner, it gives you a prompt to “hold the wheel”. Probably a quick fix, but I looked around for places to file my bug report and didn’t find one. Sigh.

The second thing I decided to do was 1 minute intervals.

Not set pace, just try to hold 95 rpm, and drop a gear.

Looking at the graph, I did 5 of them, each at a higher intensity than the last.

The fourth interval took it out of me sufficiently that by the time I’d recovered, I was at 1.5 minutes “off”.

So I pushed myself to put in a final 1.5 minute “on” stint, which was quite the struggle.

But on the plus side that was the last bit of hard work (on the bike, at least) that I have to do this mid-week session. Tomorrow is a rest day, and I’m very much looking forwards to spending my lunch break on the coach for a change.

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