Another mixed up midweek ride today. I wanted to ride at midday, but my pre-lunch meeting overran, and my next meeting began at 1pm. Not enough time for a session, shower, and sustenance. So I had to wait until much later on in the afternoon to get underway.
MyWhoosh has a section called Fast Fitness, filled with shorter HIIT workouts. Many are around the 30-40 minute mark. I wanted something slightly longer, but with punch.
I picked one from this section, the 47 minute long “Right on time” workout.

Unlike most other MyWhoosh workouts I’ve tried so far, this one had no on-screen text throughout.
The workout for the day consisted of a ~10 minute warm up, before getting underway with 10 minutes at 88% FTP, followed immediately by 10 minutes at 94% FTP. I bumped my in-game FTP up to 214w for this one.
I noticed that my power numbers were slightly out. Nowhere near as much as last Saturday’s endurance climb, but clearly the bigger the number, the larger the discrepancy. It feels very much like back to the drawing board on the whole setup / power problem front.

Unsurprisingly, the hardest part of this workout was the 20 minute effort. By the last 3-4 minutes I was very much ready and counting down the forthcoming rest period.
Then the final ~10 minutes or so felt … unusual.
There was a 3 minute breather after the 20 minute effort, followed by 3 repeats of 1 minute at 98% FTP with 2 minutes between them. No idea what that part was all about if I’m honest, and without any on-screen prompts to fill me in, I guess I will remain none the wiser. Sometimes these workouts seem like they throw in filler. This doesn’t just go for MyWhoosh, but every platform I’ve tried. Just pad out the time with random blocks that seem to offer next to no training benefit.
But what do I know?

Well, I do know I’ll be back tomorrow. And I’m kinda thinking I might try one of these pacer bot / control your own bots rides. I’m enjoying trying out all the new stuff that’s on offer. That feels like a good next thing to test.