Saturday afternoon’s outdoors, what an absolute treat. It wasn’t particularly warm, and it threatened to rain throughout, but by Jove I was always going to head out if opportunity presented.

I didn’t specify a route prior to setting off. Instead, I decided to go with the flow and see where I ended up. As it happens I ended up doing a few small hills, and whilst generally pootling around, I did do some harder efforts. Perhaps that was a bad idea, as I do feel like I’ve not had too many easier rides as of late.
Because of the route I picked today it was quite stop / start. This inevitably meant my time was poor, and finding a rhythm was harder than it ought to be. However, I did cross another ~640 calories off the board, and that’s decent enough in an hours riding. Better than I’d do indoors, for sure.
I can cheerfully report that, having passed through two parks and a town centre, social distancing is largely a thing of the past. Vast swathes of people are no longer paying attention to that. I do look forwards to the police raids on families in their gardens after Easter, completely ignoring the football games, cricket matches, and large groups of teenagers congregating communally.
Right, anyway, truthfully I’m a bit knackered. I’m looking forward to more of a chilled ride tomorrow. My plan is to have a more laid back ride up to Garstang, get 30km on the board without trying to put down any specific time, and then chill out on what’s supposed to be a warm and sunny afternoon.
No doubt it will rain.