A steady tempo session was the order of the day today. I’m finding these shorter sessions really rather frustrating currently, but my time slots are what they are. I could either ride before work or after work, but neither appeal. I prefer my lunch time rides.
I’d say mentally I’m in a better state to where I was this time last week. That’s a bonus. I’m still far from where I was a few months ago.

One thing that really sucks right now is my sleep.
I’m finding I’m waking multiple times a night. I do fall back asleep fairly quickly, but it’s not normal to constantly be waking up throughout the night. At least, not for me. That’s only started happening since this new job.
What I really crave is some fresh air. Not the air I get when I open the window and put on the fan for my bike ride, but the true ‘outside for an hour’ 5x a week I was getting until midway through last year.