Another day, another new feature to try out on MyWhoosh.
I’m absolutely convinced that, somewhere buried in MyWhoosh, is a feature where you get your own set of Pace Bots which you can control. You can ask them to bunch, push them to attack, or get them to follow you, and what not. I’ve definitely seen this feature advertised. But for the life of me, I couldn’t find it.

Instead, I opted for the MyBunch 24×7, which is a clone of “always on” group rides found in other popular online cycling platforms.
There are a bunch (excuse me) of options to choose from, and being that I wasn’t warmed up at all, I opted for the 2.6w/kg ride around the Hudayriyat Octopus Loop.
As soon as you click the picture you are loaded in to the ride, and have 20 seconds to get pedalling.
Needless to say, I fudged this twice and had to restart. But on the third time I was properly prepared and ready to go.

I will say that this is easily the most real people I have seen around me on MyWhoosh. And that’s a good thing. I must have seen over 10 people in the hour I was on, perhaps closer to 20. These are tiny numbers compared to Zwift, but it’s a promising move in the right direction.
The ride itself was good.
The pace was fine, and after a few minutes of adjusting and doing a hasty on-ride warm up, I never felt like I was going to get dropped. That’s because unlike on Zwift, you have something like 6 pace bots in the pack, so there is usually a bot to draft from, whether you are in front or behind. That’s quite a nice addition, in hindsight, as with smaller numbers had it just been one bot, I do think it would have been far more challenging to stay bunched up.

I managed to get in a full 60 minute session, and that’s easily the most distance I’ve covered in my rides yet on MyWhoosh. Riding in a bunch rockets up the pace and whereas I’d normally do ~20km, today I came off having done near 34km. Means nothing in reality, but if you’re after virtual distance it’s the way to go.

Not quite sure what to do tomorrow. I’m somewhat up for a climb, but I don’t want a mega climb. I’ll have to have a probe around and see what’s available.