Word on the street is: Garmin is under a ransomware attack.

For the unfamiliar, ransomware is malware (a virus) that attacks a computer network (in this case, Garmin’s internal network and entire production line, apparently), and threatens to publish all the victim’s data if they don’t pay up.
So, hopefully, however this is resolved, you do not use the same email / password combo for Garmin as you do elsewhere. And if you do, consider your credentials already compromised. And again, if you do, use a tool like Last Pass so you have a long horrible random password per site.
Anyway, it seems my Edge 530 is working with all the courses I have on there, but I cannot log into Garmin Connect to plan new routes, or see any of my stats via the Garmin Connect android app.
Hopefully it gets resolved shortly, but this seems to have been going on at least all day for me, and from the HN thread above, longer than that. Bad times.
Update: 18:13 GMT, things have changed slightly, doesn’t sound great:
We’re sorry.
We are currently experiencing an outage that affects Garmin.com and Garmin Connect. This outage also affects our call centers, and we are currently unable to receive any calls, emails or online chats. We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and apologize for this inconvenience.
So much for plotting my Trough of Bowland route.