Each week Zwift sends me an email summarising my activity for the week. For previous weekly reviews click here.

This week I managed 5 rides, four of which were structured workouts.
My performances this week were underwhelming, but all things considered, I’m happy enough with the results.
Having started a new job, had to adapt to 6am wake ups, dealing with a ~1.5 hour commute each day… getting 5 rides in was better than I could have expected.
I’m most happy with having put in two workouts and a group ride for the Zwift Academy series. I was worried that I wouldn’t get chance to take part in this event due to my “revised” schedule. But whilst I might not get to do the group workouts (unfortunately), I can likely still finish the training plan through solo workouts.

As seems to be the style of things, the average wattage graph isn’t looking too stellar thanks in large part to all the structured workouts.
Lately, I have preferred doing the workouts to the free rides. This may change again over time, but for the moment, I see this as a continuing trend. My only concern is that I don’t see how my FTP will break over 200w in the near future if everything I’m doing in regards to “boosting” it put me at considerably lower than my FTP on average… bit odd.

I don’t have a huge deal extra to say regarding this last week. I’m happy enough with my progress. Things can always be better, but all things considered I will definitely take 5 rides / 100km achieved / 4 hours on the bike in an otherwise exhausting week.
Today has been rest day. Tomorrow, potentially a repeat of Emily’s Short Mix. Wednesday will likely also be a rest day.