Each week Zwift sends me an email summarising my activity for the week. For previous weekly reviews click here.

Even though the Zwift Companion App screwed up and reported my figures / goals incorrectly, it would appear “Zwift proper” tracked everything correctly.
This week was 100% training rides, following Zwift’s 10-12 Week FTP Builder workout schedule.
These are now starting to get more intense. This is good, but the longer ride duration’s make things a little more difficult for me as I have new work commitments, including having to travel to and from site. For the last 5+ years I have been predominantly a remote worker, so commuting is something of an unwanted novelty.
Already it’s making things that much harder in terms of exercise. Also eating healthily and getting out of the office at dinner time is even more important to me with all the hard work I’ve put in so far.

Of all the training rides this week, the 1.5 hour session and the ramp session were the two most challenging / rewarding.
Bumping up to ~5.5 hours for the week versus my previous few weeks at around 3 hour averages was noticable.
With the new work schedule I haven’t yet found time to get on the bike and continue on with the workouts. Maybe tonight. I’m not sure. I’m hoping to start much earlier from now on, and so finish earlier and get my biking in once home. We’ll see how that plays out over the course of this week.

I hadn’t expected the average wattage graph to have dipped quite so much this week, if I’m honest. That was a bit of a shock.
Zwift’s Academy has just kicked off, and I’m fully subscribed. I’m not sure how this will impact my existing workout schedule at the moment. I expect some of the races / workouts to be of a higher intensity than the ones I have been doing. This is a good thing. I’m ready for another.
Overall it was a good week. There may have been more for me to say, but right now I’m feeling exhausted and usually things pop back into my mind a few hours / days after I’ve written the weekly summary.
It’s going to be an interesting week ahead.