Pah. Pah, I say. Once more I have been caught out by the lack of Zwift telling me when I have completed a full circuit. I find this incredibly frustrating.
Notice that I almost completed the full circuit, somehow thinking it was 10.1km, rather than the actual 11.6km distance. Gah.
This is a lot more evident on Strava:
This isn’t the end of the world. I still did my 10km for the day, so that’s a win.
I intended to go fairly laid back this morning, but about half the way around (or perhaps 45% of the way round, considering I didn’t do the full circuit), I decided maybe 1 minute of hard push, followed by 1 minute of easier gear (lower gear?) rest would potentially make for a better exercise.

I’m not sure if this was a better, or worse workout than simply going steady like I have done for the previous few days.
There was on distinct advantage – pushing hard for a minute got me further and faster around the map.
The downside was I was, quite literally, head down, eyes closed, gripping and puffing as I pushed myself. So, no sight seeing. And that’s kinda one of the reasons I chose to ride around London to begin with 😀 ha.
I’ve mentioned a few times that I prefer the end-of-ride Zwift graphs over the Strava ones. Here’s the heart rate / power / speed graph, but note, for some reason, no cadence:
Strange that the Strava graph includes cadence, but Zwift didn’t seem to pick it up. It has done every other day, and seemingly must have recorded it, or how would Strava have that info?

The developer in me really wants to take the above metrics, which I find in Strava, and convert them into a day by day chart. This way I should be able to see a, hopefully, upwards trend in my performance. I guess I could, and perhaps should, do this in a spreadsheet to begin with. I think that would make a nice addition to the blog. Heck, I will give it a go.
I was going to add some further pictures today but the iPad has decided that, for some reason, all my pictures are upside down. Correcting them is a massive pain as I don’t have the right software. So here’s just one:

Catch you all tomorrow.