Typical work day ride today really. Not a huge amount to report. I had to take the laptop with me on the bike due to workload, along with time constraints. As usual, my late morning meeting overran meaning I had less than an hour until the next one was due to begin.
However, I did ask if the next meeting was going ahead, got no answer and defaulted to ‘yes’.
I was off the bike, and just about ready to go in time for the next meeting, but it was … cancelled. So I could have stayed on, but by that point not only was my workout done but I really couldn’t be bothered.
Like I say, fairly typical for a working ride.

Tomorrow should hold something a little more strenuous I feel. Not entirely sure what that will be just yet. I’d really like to get stuck into a live group workout – I did see one running today, but again that wasn’t possible due to time issues. But the MyWhoosh app won’t work for me so I can’t plan anything unless I have loaded up the game and manage to find something there and then. So far that hasn’t panned out.

If the legs can hack it, I just might try two repeats of the Endurance Climb again. I need to build my fitness back up and those sorts of rides are the way to go, like it or not.