In a nutshell: so continues my struggle finding any kind of form on Saturday rides.
I’m really not sure why this is, but the past four or more Saturday’s have been really challenging. Possibly it’s a mental issue, but it feels like I’m exhausted come Saturday afternoon.
Anyway, no chance of going outdoors today. I wanted too. But with the bike still awaiting major repairs I was turbo-bound.

Fortunately I did figure out my issues with MyWhoosh.
The past couple of weekends I have wanted to do a ride on MyWhoosh but had come unstuck when loading the app. Upon loading I’d be prompted with a requirement to apply a 13gb(!) patch, which kept resetting after downloading only ~30mb or so.
Thank God it didn’t do it at the 12.9gb mark. That would have been upsetting.

It turned out to be nothing to do with MyWhoosh, but rather my C: drive was full, so there was no more space to download. Annoyingly I have a 2tb disk in there for games, but Windows App Store downloads to C: by default…
So once fixed I had to reinstall, then apply the 13gb patch, and after all that malarkey I was finally able to ride. By that point I had already done a 20 minute turbo only warm up.

The route I picked today was on MyWhoosh’s Australia map. I don’t think I’ve ridden that one before.
I picked the Wollongong City route which features a small climb (technically two distinct KOMs) of ~120m, with a further 100m or so thrown in over the course of the 20km route.
One thing I found challenging was that I have MyWhoosh set to 100% trainer realism, and I’m basically set to 30% or something now almost full time in Zwift. I don’t swap it back because setting it back up each week for racing is a chore.
Boy did I feel every single degree of gradient today. Yeesh.

It looks like MyWhoosh has had something of a UI face lift recently. I need to dig further into that.
Anyway, I think I was the only real human on today. It’s such a shame as the platform has real potential. More people should give it a try – I mean, it’s 100% free and it’s basically Zwift, so it is surprising how no one seems to be on there.

I am absolutely knackered now – been working now pretty much solidly for 12 hours, so I’m calling it a day here. Not covered everything, or even barely 50% of what I wanted too. But I think a dedicated post for MyWhoosh might be a good idea. There’s a lot to discuss.
Until then though, Focker out.