I’ve had a week of outdoor rides with interactions with idiot motorists. I’ve written about both and kinda don’t want to bang on about it again today.
But I did have three more incidents on today’s ride, two within 5 minutes of each other with people pulling out in front of me … how they don’t see me is some kind of scientific phenomenon that I feel requires further study. Or, you know… make people over 65 take a driving test every 5 years or so, for safety reasons?
Then the other one was some burger in his transit van, resplendent with England football flags (never a great sign of driver intelligence) who couldn’t wait to overtake me, only to immediately slam on and turn left into the local convenience shop. Moronic.
Here’s the thing though: it’s kinda cathartic for me to write about this stuff. It gets it out of my head, down on ‘paper’ and then I generally forget all about it.
However, is thinking and writing about it so much actually drawing more of it to me? If you buy into the woo-woo world of the law of attraction (I’m not dismissing it, but I don’t claim to understand it) then potentially me harping on about it is a possible cause of getting more of it?
Maybe I should keep writing about becoming a millionaire.
Or maybe I should go back to 80% of my rides being on the turbo. At least then I stand a chance of making it through the week with life and limb intact.

Anyway, enough of that.
The aim today was, again, to take it fairly easy. I wanted to get an hour in, 30km or so, and just sit at tempo where possible. I’d say mission accomplished. I deliberately stayed out in the countryside for as much of this one as possible. Excuse the crappy photo above… it’s the best of the bunch. In all the others I was smiling but the other thing behind me was a bush or some shrubs or whatever. At least that one has some semblance of scenary.
I’d have liked to have stayed out a bit longer today but had to be back for 10:45 for family reasons. So that’s a shame.
But the main thing is now to get a day, or maybe two, worth of rest before the next thing… the FTP Test.

I can’t remember at this point how the 4DP test goes, so I’m going to revisit my old post and give it a proper read.
I’m quite keen to get the test over and done with so I can go back to being lazy.
At least doing a turbo ride means no road users to avoid. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard it used to be before turbos existed to do any kind of timed / sustained efforts.
Do you run lights on your bike when you ride? Even during the day, I run a flashing 1000 lumen light on the front of my bike. Give em no excuses for the old “sorry didnt see you mate” line.
I do yeah, I use the Exposure Lights Trace+tracer Mk2 on the front and back always.
There are three settings for brightness, and they either pulse or are on steady. I use them on pulse on max brightness and get ~3 hours out of them between charges.
Weirdly, my eldest was only complaining just how bright they are before I went out on that ride.
Can’t help it when some old dear with cataracts can’t see beyond the end of her bonnet though.