For my final ride of the week I opted to keep it local, sticking to (fairly) nearby roads and streets based on the prospect of impending rain starting at 11am. I didn’t fancy a repeat of my previous outdoor ride where I got good and soaked a fair distance from home, so opted to play this one safe.
Of course, safe being an entirely relative term, given that I’m seemingly far more likely to get into some bothersome or dangerous situation whilst in urban areas.

My ride started with a trip down the A6, turning off towards the University of Central Lancashire, which is currently a horrendous mass of construction.
Fortunately with quiet roads I was able to take a detour through the main high street of Preston lacklustre Town centre, and then down through a really sketchy back path towards the guild wheel. I was glad of it being fairly early and quiet, as I imagine from the contents of the floor that this path would be dodgy af at night.

The trail around and through Avenum Park is pleasant enough. The banks of the River Ribble looking perilously close to bursting made for interesting scenes. I wondered how much worse this might get with the expected rain, as flooding is a common problem for this river a little further upstream.
From there I followed the route down to Preston docks, deciding to skip the Guild Wheel at that point and take to the roads.
I’d planned a few laps of the docks, but a combination of bad pavement and horrible car fumes put me right off. In the end I only did a single lap, then took to the back streets to explore a little more with fewer cars about. Sadly didn’t find much, just a bunch of car forecourts.

After the docklands my pre planned route took me back through Preston “City” centre. I took the opportunity to visit St Walburge’s Church, admiring the tallest spire of any parish church in England. Quite the treat on a Sunday morning, I’m sure you will agree.

From there, I went back to hit the segment near Preston’s college. That apostrophe isn’t a typo either, that was the result of a very expensive rebranding exercise. Previously it was just “Preston college”. Money well spent.
Anyway according to strava I managed 1m 15s. Which I’m really pleased with. I don’t know what my previous best effort is on that short climb but I can tell you, today I was thrashed after that effort. I’m guessing I smashed my previous personal best.
After that I pretty much just pootled home. It wasn’t a great ride. But I did beat the rain, which came pretty much as predicted, just after 11am.