The Straw That Broke The Camels Back

For today’s ride, I chose MyWhoosh’s Bahrain route. My plan was to ride for about 30-35 minutes without a specific workout in mind—just a casual free ride.

I used my gaming computer, the exact same setup as over the weekend, where I managed a steady 30 FPS. However, today I was both confused and disappointed to find it wouldn’t go above 18 FPS.

It’s pretty nuts because my computer has a RTX 4060 graphics card, which is more than enough to play modern games at well above 90 FPS. So, I would expect MyWhoosh to run rock solid, even though it seems to be capped at 30 FPS.

What I’m thinking, though, is that the problem must be with the map itself. It must be badly optimised.

It would be really nice to have the option to customise some of the settings in the game, like turning off a lot of the on-screen noise. One thing I don’t like about MyWhoosh is that there’s always something happening. I don’t mind things like the fans at the side of the road, but there are camels, horses, hot air balloons, and constant aeroplanes. It’s just really noisy, and I find some of those distractions a bit much.

Anyway, this isn’t a review of MyWhoosh, nor another moan about how I struggle to get my pedals and my turbo to agree on my power output. So let’s crack on.

The Ride

As I say, I didn’t do a structured work out.

Right now, just riding is more than enough of a stretch. I’m so badly out of form it’s painful. I was already ‘down’ on where I wanted to be prior to going on holiday, but it all felt like it was going back on track.

Then the accident.

And here we are.

I’m realistic. I know it’s going to be an uphill struggle – quite literally at times – but that can be frustrating for sure. Particularly, as it happens, going up hill.

There’s a timed climb section the Bahrain route called the Camel Climb (I think), and whilst only an estimated couple of minutes effort, and I had the trainer at 0% realism, I still tried really hard to put in a stint on that section. More so on the second lap, actually.

But I couldn’t make it. I faded hard in the second minute, and a few hundred meters from the line I had to give up.

But these small efforts now will all add up, I’m sure of it.

It’s going to be a grind back to fitness, but it’s nice to have a challenge and some semblance of a longer term goal.

3 thoughts on “The Straw That Broke The Camels Back”

  1. Once you get going, the fitness will return reasonably quickly. Just stay confident and don’t over do it!
    I’ve revisited MyWhoosh after your previous article. Running on an Apple TV, the graphics are really lousy. Looks better on an iPad. How much of MyWhoosh is dependent on streaming? Maybe that’s the issue.

    • There are two versions of MyWhoosh.

      There is MyWhoosh Go, which I think they now call simply MyWhoosh.

      And then there is MyWhoosh HD, which requires a dedicated graphics card / more of a gaming PC set up. It looks much improved on that setup – but it’s somewhat map dependant it seems. The new maps (UCI world, Hollywood) look and behave really well, but the love has not been applied to the older maps.

      It’s running on Unreal Engine 4. That gives it some serious punch, but equally requires fairly hefty hardware to get the best from the graphics engine.

      I only know that because it routinely shows me the “Crash Reporter” pop up after I close the game down 🙂


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