It’s rare that I don’t blog my ride on the day of the ride itself, but the last two days have been really full on. Aside from the usual Saturday work, we’ve had another family bereavement, and whilst that was unfolding I was also in the middle of moving the kids bedrooms and my office.
And to top it off, when I finally got my computers moved, one monitor had stopped working, and the computer wouldn’t boot anymore. It took until late Sunday night for me to fix that up – by re-installing everything from scratch. D’oh.
This ride had ups and downs. It was really nice to get out early doors on a Sunday, enjoying the very quiet roads and some beautiful British country side.
With still having to wear a wrist protector, I was feeling every small (and large) bump in the road pretty much from the off. I perhaps should have still worn my glove on the right hand, and in not doing so I’ve ended up with a red ‘burn’ on my finger.
My God Chris, moan moan moan!
Well, I’m not done just yet. My heart rate monitor decided to give up the ghost somewhere within the first 10 minutes of the ride.
Oh, and in stopping to film some VLOG stuff, I foolishly walked in some utter filth which clogged up my cleats so bad that after the second stop, I couldn’t snap back into my pedal. A total fail.

As daft as these mistakes are, I am always learning. I won’t be filming any more clips from filthy field gates in the future. The super frustrating part about that is I was searching for a nice spot to film, and shortly after destroying my shoes as above, I found an idyllic bench that would have been perfect.
Ahh well.
As my day job contract has now ended I am back looking for work, but whilst doing this it means I have time during the day to do my own stuff. This means getting to complete some personal projects, but also doing some more outdoor rides as apparently the weather is supposed to improve later in the week.