Each week I try to review and reflect on my previous week on the bike. This allows me to see how my fitness and ability is progressing on a wider timescale than day to day. For previous weekly reviews please click here.

Something of a frustrating week this one.
Like last week, it looks like I didn’t do that much.
That’s because on Wednesday and Sunday I went for walks as opposed to doing typical recovery rides. The walks come in at around 650 calories which is higher than a recovery ride, and they last about 1.5 hours, which when I factor in doing a blog post, having a shower, and so on, means that the two are comparatively similar in length.
But they do come with a separate issue, which I will get into below.
Here are this week’s rides:
- Tuesday – Zwift Race Scotland: Stage 3 – The Muckle Yin (B) (Indoors / Zwift)
- Thursday – Sister Bliss-ter (Indoors / Zwift)
- Saturday – Feet Spot (Indoors / Zwift)

The main activity during the week was Tuesday’s race.
I feel like I gave a decent effort on the Tuesday, and as the races tend to take it out of me, I like to do something a lot more chilled out on the Wednesday. For that I decided to go on a long walk.
The problem is that the walks are destroying my feet.
I blister up on the ankles, toes, and heels. During the time when I’m not exercising, I rarely leave the house so it’s no big deal. I tend to walk around either barefoot / in socks, and wear slides so there’s absolutely no rubbing.
But when I go out and have to put shoes on… boy howdy, the pain is real. I just got back from a kid’s school event this morning and I hobbled there and back. Fortunately I didn’t need to move whilst I was at the school, but just walking 5 mins each way was more than enough to tell me I’m in a bit of bother.
By which I do mean whether I’m going to be able to hack wearing my cycling shoes tomorrow to race.

So that’s a real issue.
I love the walks. It’s different. It’s low intensity, and it gives me a chance to unwind.
But if that means I then can’t ride the rest of the week, what’s the point?
Bad times.
In my head I figured by keep on walking, I will build up resistance to the blistering. That probably won’t come about though as all things to the good, I should be starting my new job next Monday. That will put an end to long walks during the week days anyway.
I guess that does leave Sunday mornings, so maybe it will all work out.
Anyway, that’s the biggest issue I’ve had this week. Sore feet.

There’s three other things to cover off this week:
- FTP Test (or lack of)
- Weight up
- Tomorrow’s race
I said last week I’d do an FTP test. I haven’t done that. Partly I used my sore feet as an excuse, but equally I mean let’s be real, I’m hardly looking forwards to doing a 20 minute sustained high effort.
But it needs to be done. And it needs to be done before the Tour of Watopia 2023 kicks off, which I believe is very soon. That also looks Brutal, so something to look forwards too.
I must get the FTP test done this week.
Weight-wise, I’m a bit annoyed about this. I’ve been saying I want to put on weight for weeks now. Yet once I have gone up from 66 to 67kg on average, I now want to go back down. Honestly, total clown world in my head sometimes. I have no further explanation for this. No basis in fact or whatever, I just feel like I shouldn’t go back up now that it is. Get a grip.
Race day tomorrow and it’s only 8.7km with 166m of climbing. So… frantic then.
That doesn’t sound like it’s going to play particularly well to my ‘strengths’, but what the heck. Give it a go. Try my best. Nothing more I can do. I’ll need to throw in something before and after to make it up to around the 30km markers.
Feet willing, of course.
So that’s it. Week ahead – FTP Test, Race, hopefully get in a walk. My wife wanted to go out to do some fell walking as well… Got to make the most of that last week off.