Each week I try to review and reflect on my previous week on the bike. This allows me to see how my fitness and ability is progressing on a wider timescale than day to day. For previous weekly reviews please click here.

Overall not a terrible week. Mostly buoyed by the reassuring outdoor TT / FTP-esque effort on Thursday.
The one downside right now is how sore my right shoulder is. It’s not improving really, and riding outdoors is definitely responsible for a large part of making it hurt. Not sure what the solution is – but got a short term plan for giving it some rest over the next few weeks as it is.
Here are this week’s rides:
- 16th – Zwift Crit Club Race: Stage 3 – LaGuardia Loop (B)
- 17th – Zwift Spring Training: Workout #5 VO2 Blast
- 18th – Easy ride today? Yeah, right
- 20th – Put A Lid On
- 21st – Sore Shoulder, Too Hot, Give Up
Early on in the week saw the usual combo of Zwift Racing, and then Zwift Spring Training on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The race went alright. I was in touch with the front until the end. I think that was in large part to the lack of hills on the route, but even so I gave a solid effort on the final climb and, for once, managed to gain some places rather than lose some. Result.
The workout on Wednesday was tough, but enjoyable.
I’ll be sad to see out the final one of the six workouts come Wednesday this week. Has the Spring Training helped me in any way? I don’t think it’s had a definitive impact, but collectively I feel like the workouts have been beneficial to my overall health and fitness.
That was it for indoor rides this week. Not surprising really, given how nice the weather has been lately.

Outdoors, aside from the sore shoulder, it’s been an interesting and varied bag.
On Thursday I ended up doing a sort of on-road FTP test. Not quite, but close enough. For a while, towards the end of last summer, I got into the habit of doing the same loop – out to Catforth and back – as my 20 minute hard effort. My theory was, if I normalised doing FTP style efforts, then it wouldn’t seem as daunting to actually do FTP tests.
And do you know what?
It kind of worked.
I definitely don’t fear them now. Well, not as much. They still suck. But I’m more resigned to simply seeing them through.
My next scheduled FTP test is within the next 4 weeks. Ideally not bang on 4 weeks either, so probably more like 3, but potentially more like 2.
This will be my Quarter 2 ’23 FTP Test as promised at the end of March, which weirdly feels both no time at all ago, and simultaneously ages ago. Bizarre.
Anyway, I’ve been feeling like I’m trending downwards lately. Not massively, but gradually. Certainly not feeling like I’m improving.
But on Thursday my numbers were good for the effort I did. I had to come to a practical standstill at one point, which will definitely have impacted the figures. And it wasn’t a truly timed effort. So to come out with the result I did was very encouraging.
My plan, therefore, is to do this effort in the second or third week of June. That means I can then collapse in a heap for the final week of June.
Lastly then this week, weight-wise I ballooned yesterday. Unsurprising. Two pints and a slap up Sunday lunch with all the trimmings.
No regrets.
Aside from that things are fine and dandy lately. No changes. I suspect tonight’s weigh in will see me back below 67kg.
So the week ahead?
Race tomorrow.
Spring Training Workout #6 on Wednesday.
Not sure about Thursday just yet.
Saturday and Sunday… well, I need to stay indoors ideally. I need to rest this shoulder. Going to be hard pushed to do that if the weather remains >20c though. Hot in here sat still, not going to be much fun doing Zwift.