Each week I try to review and reflect on my previous week on the bike. This allows me to see how my fitness and ability is progressing on a wider timescale than day to day. For previous weekly reviews please click here.

Three rides, two walks, and a sore knee. Not a bad week, all told.
I would have been sadder to see the end of the Tour of Watopia 2023 Fall, had it not been for the immediate start of the 2023 Zwift Academy in the week ahead.
Here are this week’s rides:
- Tuesday – Tour of Watopia 2023 Ride: Stage 5 – Coast Crusher (Standard)
- Thursday – Tour of Watopia 2023 Ride: Stage 5 – The Big Ring (Longer)
- Saturday – Race Watopia: Stage 5 – Going Coastal (B)

All my rides this week were social / group affairs. The Tour of Watopia rides were both longer, semi-social efforts. And as usual I got my weekly panning on the fifth and final stage of October’s Race Watopia series.
I’ve enjoyed the Tour of Watopia series, and the challenge of doing the Standard and Longer rides each week has felt overall beneficial to my fitness.
That said, on the final ride on Saturday I definitely hurt my left knee. It’s not 100% better yet, either. So hopefully another night’s sleep, and a rest day today will have done it some good. No pain on it during yesterday’s walk, thankfully.

Speaking of a walk, I went out for one on Wednesday (again) instead of doing a lighter ride.
The calorie difference is definitely noticeable – it’s about 100 more to do a bike ride in the same time span, at an endurance pace.
But it was nice to get out, get some fresh air, and test out my new coat. I went for a sort of hiking jacket as the old one I had was making me sweat big time on longer walks. I’d come back steamed. The new one is a big improvement.

I’ve been thinking about how to progress now that the Tour of Watopia Fall is over.
My plan, I think, is going to be to do the Standard workout during the week, and then do the Longer workout at the weekend.
I’m not holding myself to that just yet, as I’m yet to do one of the sessions. Throw in a weekly SST, and a race (which also somehow ties into the Zwift Academy this year), and I might be thrashed. Or I might switch back to Saturday climb portals.
Have to assess how I feel on Friday.

Overall though a good week. Felt like a good bit of progress.
Hopefully the knee is back to normal tomorrow and things can continue apace.