One thing I have not done very much of this week is getting in time on the bike. I’ve done two rides but both have been short. Yesterday’s ride didn’t feel short, but it still was.
Today I tried to correct this with a ~50 minute ride.
I had to work during this one, so zone 2 it had to be. Honestly though, my legs are feeling so rubbish right now that this was really about all I could handle mentally anyway. Thankfully bringing the laptop meant that when I looked up, I was at 7 minutes in, then the following time it was 19 minutes. So time passed quite quickly.

I’m unsure whether to ride again tomorrow. It’s my birthday and I plan to go out for a ~2 hour walk out somewhere nicer (or at the very least, different) to my usual routes. But throwing in a 30 minute session might not be such a bad idea. I’d quite like a dominos for tea, and they are really rather high on the calories, so creating a decent deficit feels smart.
And an ‘interesting’ fact to end the day. It must have been my 10th MyWhoosh workout. Nice. Got to say, feels like I’ve done more… but I think that this might mean 10 since they introduced achievements?

Overall though, I feel like I’ve slacked this week so far.