Had workmen in the back garden today, all day. Noisy. And then when it came to cycling, I wasn’t going to ride in my lycra, sweating for them to watch and stare. No sir. So the curtains had to be shut. For an hour, various puffing, panting, and grunting noises came from behind the curtains. I dread to think what I thought I was up too.
Then the curtains were opened and normal service resumed.

The workout itself wasn’t doing it for me at the 204w FTP setting. It felt lacking. I bumped it up to 214w, and shortly – very shortly – after, up to 224w.
I was a little concerned I might not make it through the two red blocks at the end. MyWhoosh doesn’t give any in-ride on-screen indication as to what power or duration upcoming intervals are at, so it’s a bit of a guessing game.

As it was, I was at 190w in the 4 minute tempo blocks, then around 245w for the two minute hard pushes. The first of the two was much more taxing than the second, coming as it did after all the high tempo work. The second one was much easier by comparison, but I was still puffing, panting, and very ready for the interval (and workout) to be over with come the final 30 seconds.

Annoyingly I very, very nearly got to race on MyWhoosh today. But due to a meeting over-running, and me not being warmed up, I chickened out. 3 minutes wasn’t enough, and I didn’t fancy joining only to get dropped right at the line.
Hopefully if I time it better (basically on the hour, or every half hour) I should be able to find some live group event to try out.
Snap! I had a builder on the roof all day, but I did my main training session out in the garage before he turned up at 8am…
I can’t bring myself to ride first thing. Usually by 10am I’m ready, but rarely before. I used to do it when I first started on the turbo. Nowadays my favourite time of day to ride is just before lunch. Work up the appetite for a sandwich.