And so we reach the end if my Advent of Cycling challenge. It was a bit like the advent calendars I’d have as a kid. Except without chocolate. And with more cycling.
The idea with this challenge was to cycle every day for 24 days. I completed the challenge with a minimum of 30 minutes bike activity each day. I have to say, it was much more tiring than I initially expected. I guess that speaks volumes as to my naivety.
I’ll wait until the end of the week to cover off how I found the whole challenge. There’s two reasons for this. Firstly I’m a bit too drunk at this point to write too much. And secondly it’s a Christmas eve and I want to spend time with my kids before they go to bed. And trust me, once they’ve finally gone to bed, I’m knackered enough to just want to sleep myself.
Today’s ride was great. I really enjoyed getting out of the house for the first time in ages. It was bloody freezing. About ten minutes in I was deeply wishing for a pair of winter gloves. My fingerless cycling gloves were no substitute. But after about half an hour they’d adjusted. It took about half an hour when I got back for them to adjust back. Good Times.

My route was plotted to take me around the outskirts of Preston, aiming to keep off the main roads, but taking in two of my favourite landmarks around Preston before it got dark. These being the river ribble flowing past Avenum Park into the Irish Sea, and Avenum Park itself. Two places I’ve very much enjoyed visiting on my bike this year.

There was a small number of climbs in todays route. Nothing major. Just little bumps to get me back into the spirit of road riding. It’s so much more challenging outdoors than on Zwift.
I also opted to come back through Preston Town center. I was anticipating finding the place largely empty. Shut for Christmas. Riddled with covid. Tier 3 lock down. Alas, no. It was jam packed. Shops open. Aside from food places, all shut, you’d never have known. There was even a scantily clad girl in the door way of Anne Summers, inviting people inside. Essential shops only, indeed.

That said, in Preston Town I did find a lovely Christmas tree in Winkley Square. That’d the picture at the top of this post. That was a nice thing to see. I’ve not managed to get out much since the end of summer, and this Christmas feels like such a non event that any small thing like that could only help me feel a tad more Christmassy.
Anyway, that’s me done. Not for the year, but at least for a couple of days. I’ve enjoyed it, in a very unusual way. It’s been hard at times, and I’ve definitely not met all the expectations I had for myself. But I saw it through and I’m in better shape than I was.
Have a very happy Christmas, where ever you may be, and I shall resume with more cycling based block posts before new year. After all, I will need to work off all this booze.