Whilst tonight’s ride wasn’t anything spectacular – just a base miles session – the big win was in getting MyWhoosh connected up properly to my pedals. For once, and I don’t know why, it found a different connect to my pedals and it tracked the wattage perfectly.

I’ve never seen anything other than Zwift do this, so I was very happy to have it accurately recording my stats. Usually it involves me knocking my in-game FTP down by 20 watts to account for the 20 watt discrepancy it throws at me.

About the only downside to this was that it seemed to be connected via BlueTooth rather than ANT+, and whenever I put my hands near the Garmin head unit, it seemed to lose the cadence reading for a few seconds. No actual detriment to my workout, but it played havoc with my on-screen rider.

It will be interesting to properly test this again (tomorrow?) and see if it continues to play ball. The only thing I did differently tonight was go through the menus and skip the initial phase of connection as I wasn’t ready to ride, but wanted to get the game up and running ahead of time.
Then when it was time to connect, I got the additional option.

I think if I don’t connect my head unit for cadence, I might have the best of all worlds. If this does work, I would actually love to try the Wahoo SYSTM (or whatever it’s called nowadays) once more, as for me, they have the best workout library by far.
But one step at a time.