Three week day rides, all outdoors, and all ~30km. I’ll happily take that. It’s a real shame the wind was up today, as at the odd time it wasn’t blowing wild, the sun was really pleasant. However when the wind picked up, it was like cycling through treacle.
Even though I have manually planned each of the routes this week, I was still somehow surprised to find myself out on the same roads as the last two days. Maybe I’m losing the plot. Now, there’s nothing wrong with the roads I picked today – countryside / quiet roads mainly, good for rhythm and lack of cars. Bad for pot holes, but that can often equally be said for the main roads in the UK, so I’ll take it.
Yesterday I thought I might head up towards Beacon Fell area for this ride. But that would involve a good few hundred meters of combined climb during the ride, and with the Alpe du Zwift ahead this weekend I thought I better not put too much stress on the legs.

As it is, I’ve been doing all my rides this week around 200w average and even that feels like I’ve done a good amount of effort already. Bit concerned about the weekend ahead.
However, I do have a rest day tomorrow. It’s going to be hard not to head out. The weather is nice enough and it’s lovely to get an hour away from the desk. But I was struggling to hit 235w today without feeling knackered, and that’s my target power for the hour up AdZ… so yeah, should be fun. Sweaty, wet, knackering fun.
About the only gripe today – other than the wind – would be the Garmin sending me on the wrong route several times. I find that if I put too long a stretch into the course plotter that it can sometimes throw in some really weird turns that when I’m out on the road, they can lead me awry. Stuff like cycling past the junction, then it prompting for a U-turn, but having never told me to turn in the first place… that kind of thing. I had a few of these today. I guess that’s the thing with Garmin, you get used to the bugs.