Book End

It lashed it down last night. Around 9pm the rain moved in and within a few minutes there was a torrent of water streaming down the road. My selfish thoughts turned to Sunday morning and that I’d probably not be able to get outdoors if the ground was still absolutely soaked.

Usually when I wake up I can hear cars to-ing and fro-ing down my street, and if the ground is wet it’s immediately obvious as you can hear the water spraying up from the tyres. Well, I was rudely woken by my eldest stomping around, and lay there quietly listening for cars. But none came. Ahh the joys of Sunday morning.

In the end, curiosity got the better of me and I got up to peer out of the curtains, only to see that the ground was largely dry. Result.

Still, I’d woken fairly late – we all had – with the clock reading 8.45.

In my head I had it down that I’d get up, dressed, fed and watered and out by 9.15.

Well… the realities of being a dad … and a lazy Sunday morning sleepy head, meant that I only got out of the door at 9.45. But still, I was fed and watered coffee’d.

I figured I’d do a harder first half of the ride, then head through central Preston and loop back round to home. Having less than an hour to play with I knew I needed to get my loop in fairly quickly, and certainly couldn’t go too far afield. I thought things were going to go awry when I encountered two road closures, but managed to sneak through on both occasions. The joys of cycling 😉

Ride-wise though, not a right lot to report today. I tried to do the best I could in terms of a workout in the time I had available.

The one thing that got me thinking was I saw this group of guys all about my age (I think!), there must have been 10 or more of them. They looked to be heading outbounds, and I figured they were either heading up to the Trough or somewhere around that way. I could be wrong of course, but I couldn’t help feeling jealous. I really should find a group.

That said, even if I knew them I couldn’t have gone today. Sunday mornings aren’t the best riding time for me, which sounds bonkers but my wife has plans and God knows I do enough riding the rest of the week that I can’t realistically expect her to give me even more time alone.

Maybe when I’m retired.

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