After yesterday I felt like I deserved an easy ride. Some might say that I deserved a rest day. But those people would have been wrong. Bang wrong.
I mean, it’s Bank Holiday Monday. It’s belting hot. And you know, I kinda enjoy riding my bike…

Anyway, off I went. Taking it easy. No set route. Just go with the flow.
Even though I left the house at about 10:30, it was already up to 15c. There was a bit of a breeze, but I was out in my shorts and jersey, and hoping for a start to my tan. It is, after all, June tomorrow.
To begin, my route followed parts of the Guild Wheel. There’s little chance of building up a sustained pace on this route as there’s often lots of families, walking and / or cycling, little gates to deliberately stop the abuse of the paths by motorbikes or whatever, and general strange sharp bends like the route designer was a fan of acute angles.

Following the Guild Wheel took me down to the outskirts of Preston town centre, so after a quick jolly through Avenum Park, I looped back around and went up a car park next to the train station.
This had two fun parts. One being that I got to watch a few trains potter about. I like trains because I am a nerd.
The other more fun part was ripping down the practically deserted multi story car park. Descending in sharp bends, over and over, man that was fun.

Anyway, when I got home I decided to have a bit of a barbecue.
This was to make up for missing out yesterday. Due to a few mistakes with the online shop, we ended up eating the wrong thing and then finding a chicken on a short date. Can you imagine? It’s a real first world problem.
So I grabbed another beer with the barbecue and chilled out for the rest of the day. I am yet to write the weekly review, and that’s naughty of me. But I’m thinking I’ll do it tomorrow dinner time.