Not slept that well these last two days – talking 5 hours sleep, tops. Well, 10 if you add the two together. Combine that with the SST session yesterday that left me a bit more knackered than it ought to, and had it not been for the opportunity of an outdoor ride today, I would probably have taken a rest day instead.
As it was, I figured I’d head out, keep fairly slow and steady and just try and get down 30km then head home. Mission accomplished on that front. My legs weren’t grateful for the work though.

With the ground quite wet today from the rain during the night, there were parts of this route that weren’t sensible. There’s a very steep bit (15% apparently) on the Guild Wheel which is always a little sketchy – it’s a tight switch back after a very fast drop descent – and when it’s wet the wheel can slip under you as you put the power / weight on the front wheel. Probably not the smartest choice of route, really.
There were loads of people out on bikes though today. I had a chat with a couple, where one of them told me they had already taken a fall. I know those feels. They didn’t seem put off though, so fair play.
For me though, it’s time for a rest. I have my weekly review post to write now and have a bunch of things on my mind, so time to put pen to paper.