Just a short update from me today.
For this ride I took on Emily’s Short Mix on Zwift’s very busy Yorkshire / Harrogate circuit. Just like last time, I forgot to check how many riders were on the course before choosing it. I would say easily over 1000.

Frankly I was a bit too tired for this one.
Almost immediately after starting I was feeling regretful.
Fortunately, at just 30 minutes, this was about the limit of what I could handle – both mentally and physically.

I found this ride really challenging.
Mostly I am feeling fatigued. It’s a combo of long days, too much time sat in a chair (badly), and then eating a little too much at dinner time.

I’ve managed 74km this week so far (including this ride), and my legs need a rest.
Getting through the intervals today took a lot of determination. I wanted to give up only 3km into the ride. Possibly, had I not had this blog to record my shame publicly, I may well have done.

This wasn’t helped by having to get dressed into yesterday’s unwashed kit – well, bib shorts, at least.

If I’m being completely honest, I think my FTP has climbed a little over my official figure of 195w.
I remember taking Emily’s Short Mix when I just bumped to 195w and found it extremely challenging. Lately it’s still a slog, but it doesn’t feel as much of a slog.
I’m still not convinced my FTP is over 200w though.

Simply finishing this ride was an achievement today. I decided I only wanted to ride for 30 minutes, but perhaps would have been better with something a little less demanding.
Oh well, it’s done and over with now. Thankfully.

I didn’t realise Emily’s Short Mix is basically just under FTP, which is a bit weird – and probably something I have mentioned before in one of several previous rides of this workout.
I can be quite forgetful.

One thing this week is that I may or may not hit my 100km riding goal in Zwift. Not particularly bothered about this. Will stick to the Strava output for the weekly review.
I’ve also only just realised that RGT Cycling doesn’t upload my ride data to training peaks, which is going to screw up my stats. Maybe I can do that manually.

I struggled with cadence on this ride.
In summary my heart really wasn’t in it today. My legs certainly weren’t, either.

OK, so tomorrow is a rest day. Next day on the bike will be Saturday. Not sure what to ride then, maybe more RGT Cycling for a change. Maybe even the Tacx software. Who knows.
Until then!