Today’s route was a pre-plotted Course inside Garmin. Which does imply I’ve ridden it at least once before. But God help me if I could remember when. It must have been a long while ago is all I know.
So most of this was ‘usual roads’. But a small fraction was down a narrow gravel track that I have often wondered where that road goes, and now I know. Or I know again… but I’d be in no rush to go back down, because the surface was like the moon. Rubbish.

With a smidge of adjustment though, this could be a great route, so I’m going to adapt it and try it again.
Heading out I had ~3.2w/kg in mind. There were times I was well above that for long-ish periods, and plenty of times, e.g. on those gravel tracks, where I was well below. Overall though, it felt like a decent workout and I was out of breath plenty.
The main thing today was I wanted to be off the main roads. For whatever reason I had a bad feeling about being out on the A-roads, so wherever possible I went via quieter side roads. Again, that contributes to a lower pace.

But yeah, overall a decent start to the week so far. If I can get in another similar session tomorrow I’ll be happy. The weather is supposed to take a rainy turn tomorrow, which may force me onto the turbo. No bad thing. SST is the order of the day, if so.