Really struggling to find some form at the moment, and in truth, I think it’s mostly a mental battle. I took Monday and Tuesday off to try and recover the legs, and they did feel fine today. Setting off, there wasn’t that tell tale tension I’ve felt most of last week. I can’t say I felt fresh, but I certainly felt improved.
Sadly, however, it just wouldn’t (or perhaps, couldn’t) transfer to raw power out on the road. Now, some of this may be to do with the route I picked. This was all made up as I went along. At one point I managed to hit road works, so that completely killed my momentum. But still, that lasted for all of 500m, so I don’t know how I blame it for the remaining 22km.
There were parts of this ride where I really felt like I pushed myself. I felt like I gave a good account of myself on some of the little climbs, but coming home I found the stats rather lacklustre. It’s strange that, because I’ve said in the past that I’ve had rides that felt … meh, and they have turned out to be some of my best. And then when it feels good (or strong in parts), it turns out to be a bit flat.
On the plus side, I did get outdoors tonight. It was cold, back up to three layers (though with bib shorts) and I got a healthy soaking down one road, plus covered in filth on another. So much for the bike staying clean. Whatever though, feels like it was better than staying indoors.
What I wanted to do was get out at 4pm, but (yet again) I finished late at work. I think this all translates to me finishing at about 7am on Friday, what with all the hours I’m over at this point. But if I can get out of work from about 1pm on Friday I’ll be happy. That should give me a solid two hour ride outdoors, if the weather holds. Which it probably won’t.
But anyway, we have the bank holiday weekend ahead. I’m not killing myself this week. I should be happy with the 600 calories burned, and in true fashion, somehow I messed up and lost the first kilometer of this ride where I had to double back home and collect my phone. So if it’s not on Strava it didn’t happen, but surely that’s at least an extra 50 calories burned?
Probably doesn’t cover the Magnum lolly pop I had on my return. Maybe that’s why my form is in the bin. Too many ice lollies.