Gallows Lane

A decent longer ride today, albeit not without incident. I got pulled out on three times. At the start of the ride, not far at all from home, and then twice very much towards the end. Ridiculous. Fortunately no accidents. I really need a camera. It’s a YouTube gold mine out there on the open roads. If I am going to get run over, it might as well be monetised.

I didn’t have a proper plan in mind today. 40km was the aim – and I am happy to say I hit that.

In the end I decided, once underway, to head out to Longridge and then see which route I fancied. I ended up taking the long descent down to Ribchester and then going up Gallows Lane, which I was going to do last weekend. That’s a Cat 4 climb in itself, but I hadn’t realised Strava has a larger segment encompassing Gallows Lane all the way up to the top of Forty Acre Lane. And that is a Cat 3 climb.

So a good climbing ride by the end of it.

Which has very much tired me out. It’s a shame about the incidents because the ride itself, whilst not amazing, was a refreshing change out. And when I got home I managed to catch a good 80km of one of the best Stages yet of this years Tour de France. Their ride looked harder than mine to be fair.

Anyway, that’s me done for the week with the old pedal cycle. A long walk awaits tomorrow morning.

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