The weather is a bit nuts here. It was scheduled to rain this weekend, and when I woke this morning it was grim. The sound of cars passing with that tell tale splashing sound was all too audible.
But by lunch time it had cleared up pretty much completely.
And by 4pm the sun was out, and so was I.
Not expecting to get out today I had no route in mind. Even so, I set off towards town but thought better of it when I realised that actually, it would be Saturday night and full of … well, you know. Those sorts of people. People who don’t, generally, take kindly to a sexy bearded guy in lycra.
Anyway, as I was diverting back out of town I came upon a little hill and decided why not have a stab at doing some hill repeats.

Well, I didn’t manage loads. I put in five efforts. But it felt decent, and as I’ve never done it before it was fun to try something new.

Actually after I’d done these, maybe 20 minutes later, I was looking at the calorie count for the ride on the Garmin, and was surprised / saddened to see that I hadn’t done quite as much work as I perhaps had convinced myself I had. Anyway, better than being sat on the couch, I suppose.
Hoping to get another hour in tomorrow morning, aiming for ~30km, and maybe something a little more steady state. Today was too much stop start. It would be nice to get in a climbing ride, of sorts, to finish off the week. I have a route in mind, but it’s weather permitting at this point. Let’s see what Mother Nature brings.