Hot out there. 26c, which probably meant I should have worn sun cream, but I didn’t. Which was just as well as wiping my face with my bare forearms, when they are coated in sun cream, is no fun at all.
Still, it made a change to be out there in short sleeves. And with the wind in my face it wasn’t unpleasant. Sweaty, but in a good way.
I tried to go hard for about 45 to 50 minutes, and was actually really happy with my pace and distance. If I’d have had more road, I might have pushed for the full hour, and if I had I reckon I would have set a new distance record for the hour, which given a few stop / starts, was pretty good going.

As it was, I went out for longer for two reasons.
The first is that, well, it’s a nice day. Better than being indoors.
But the second is that I have to go away with work tomorrow / Wednesday, so my next riding day is Thursday (and Friday), which is a bit of a downer. It’s not like they will be proper rest days, with a fair bit of travel, and mentally tiring to boot. Also it’s due to be fairly hot still, so that will play into it, no doubt.

But yeah, as it was, a good ride with a decent distance for midweek. And I feel really good right now. I reckon it would be a smart time to do an FTP Test. The only downside to that – aside from the test, of course – is that it would mean being indoors, and I guess, I haven’t been training for a 20 minute effort so am a little unsure what pace I’d go at. My 30+ pace is good though, and I’m pacing that well also.
So yeah, pretty happy right now. Just a shame I can’t ride for two days.