Kind Of Wish I Hadn’t Bothered

Bit of a disappointment this one.

On the plus side, I found my Heart Rate Monitor. It had been helpfully tidied away by my youngest, shoved under an un-put-away pair of socks on the top end of the kitchen table. The end of the table no on ever sits at, and thanks to the layout of my house, is usually piled with junk.

So yeah. Found it, all good. Pity it wasn’t in time for the racing.

But anyway, I decided rather than stay in and do 30 minutes or so on Zwift, I would head out and do 30 minutes outdoors. You don’t get the distance, but you do get the fresh air.

Only, I picked rush hour to head out. Not ideal.

And whilst I largely stayed off the main roads, I still needed to cross one particularly busy single carriageway. I had the common sense to use the pelican crossing – the one where you press the button, wait patiently, wait some more, then the lights change for the motorists and you – allegedly – cross safely.

Well, I did my waiting. And then the lights changed to red for the cars, green for me. I pushed off, and a person so desperate to get home ignored the red lights and went straight through, causing me to jam on and the back wheel fly up. Not sure how I didn’t end up face planting.

Bad language ensued. But I got across.

OK, crisis averted?

Well, up the hill I went, and decided to head down the road a bit and maybe avoid the foot path part of the Guild Wheel, due to the ground being wet, and it no doubt being a bit of a mucky mess.

So just up the road was a zebra crossing, and a lady was clearly walking towards it to get across to the shops. I slowed. The motorist behind me didn’t. Overtaking me, and forcing the crossing lady to get out of the road.

Honestly, two nutty crossing incidents within 250m of each other. I said to her as I passed – you’d never believe that just happened to me back there, and she agreed, and we became best friends. As you do. But still, it really puts me off going out. Even when I try to stay off the roads there seems to be incidents.

I know I’m being a bit soft, but it really spoils it.

Anyway, I was thinking that I might go out again at dinner tomorrow – a similar route. The bike is already filthy, so it’s either go out and wash it, or wash it without going out. But right now I’m thinking I kinda don’t want to go.

Sad times.

Thankfully though, I’m really enjoying my Zwifting / indoor stuff lately. It just felt like I should go out, what with it being lighter now at night. I guess the key is to go later – after 6pm probably. Or at lunch.

Talking myself back into it.

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