In a word: windy.
Particularly on the outbound leg of this ride, I was cycling pretty much head on into the wind. At one point there was a strong enough gust to blow me off course. The rest of the time it was mainly just doing its best to keep me moving as if through soup.
The idea with these early morning Sunday rides is to miss the traffic.
Unfortunately my route today hit traffic twice.
Once heading outbound, whereby there was some farmers convention / show on in a field, but it was a big affair with tractors, sheep, some kind of funfair, and more besides. Lots of campers were on the field, but equally a fair number were coming and going. So it was way busier than a usual Sunday morning out in the countryside.

Then on my way back towards home, there had been a big accident / motorway closure so the traffic was backed up, and people’s patience was on thin ice. Someone shouted something at me for some reason, and honestly I have no idea what he said, but it was clearly unpleasant.
Thankfully I had stayed off the main roads for almost all of the ride, so when I saw that traffic I changed my route a bit, but as I needed the loo I decided I’d cut my ride a little short and go home.
Even so, I got out a decent 38km, and some much needed time on the bike working on my base.

All in all then a decent week with quite a bit of variety. I’m feeling it a little in the knees right now, so am glad that tomorrow is a rest day.
I think I might go and take a bath and get some heat on them.
Luxury Sundays, eh?