The plan to “just ride” seems to be going OK.
One thing that frustrates me is not hitting the 30km in 1 hour marker, and today I was about 5km short of that. Yes, there was 228m of climbing involved, but mostly this was down to the routes I have to pick during lunch breaks are a little restrictive and a lot of stop / start.
However, in order to hit that 30kph target, I need a long and pretty flat route. And that involves a lot of road riding. Which sounds fine, but the roads in question are long, fast A-roads, and that means: danger.

I will admit to having lost a bit of confidence when riding on the roads. That’s partly through not going out so much, but about equal parts because the roads are, frankly, dangerous. People in cars, trucks, vans, buses, etc, they don’t care. Every ride has some kind of incident it seems, and today was no exception. Just minor things like getting squeezed into the gutters, or very close passes, or cars pulling out on me, or not stopping at junctions when it’s my right of way.
You know, the little things.
The little things that could mean life or death.

So yeah, road riding kinda sucks. Especially with the state of our roads. Not that the cycle paths are much better.
I don’t want to gripe today. It was an alright ride. Nothing special by any means, but an hour out and a decent exercise.
Hopefully more of the same tomorrow, and then I might look to run on Saturday.