Tired. Tight thighs. Overall lack of ability. Possibly just old age.
Well, honestly everything was put into perspective watching the pros climb the Alpe du H’uez on Stage 12 of the Tour de France. In the run up to the Alpe I was watching on the PC as the kids were hogging the TV, but by the time the GC riders hit the bottom of the climb I’d pushed them out and moved myself into the living room.
Amazing. I’ve never watched the Alpe live. Having the Alpe du Zwift to compare it too was cool, but man alive talk about beast mode. And after 4 hours of riding, too. Insane.

Anyway, super cool to watch that in all its glory. Brilliant stuff.
My ride this morning was far less intensive. I partially did what I said I would do yesterday, which was to head out to the flats. Rather than pootle around I figured I’d do a ~20 minute effort, then head back and call it a day after a little circular route down the Guild Wheel. Really paying the price for that long walk earlier in the week, that’s for sure.
Happy enough with the ride today. I may go out again tomorrow. I don’t know. I’m due a rest, but sometimes I can’t help myself.
But yeah, just another workout type ride to put in the books for today. Nothing more to say.