Well, I messed up today in a couple of ways. Neither being massive problems by any means, and one of which I didn’t actually realise until just now, as I was prepping the screenshots for this post.
OK, so starting with the issue I just realised – I somehow selected the wrong route. I’d picked the Arabia map, I believe, but I’m sure I didn’t pick the Arabian Knights route the first time. The problem was that I went back in to double check and must have then clicked the wrong thing and ended up on the wrong route.
No big deal, but I hadn’t anticipated picking a route that was 100km with 1,936m of climb :/
The other issue today was that although I was able to get the Garmin to run the workout, I messed up initially by forgetting to unplug the BlueTooth and only leave in the ANT+ dongle.
What that meant is the first 5 minutes or so were messed up, the wrong power output being tracked and generally things being frustrating.

Fortunately though, once swapped over to the ANT+ way of working, things went absolutely fine.
The key thing is to leave the “Controllable” unconnected. That way, the Garmin takes ownership of controlling the resistance. From there, it behaved really well:

The problem really was the route.
Being a Zone 2 ride I wasn’t going fast.
And as I now know, with this route being a very climb heavy ride, I was very, very slowly ascending some – at times – very steep roads, at a glacial pace. So there really wasn’t much to see, or to take my mind of the boredom.

Anyway, I had to be off by 1pm-ish, in order to get showered, fed, and ready for a call at 1.30.
I overran a bit, but when I finally did get off I saw the guy had rescheduled the call for 2pm… and then he never rang anyway. What a waste of time. But fairly typical for what I’m going through right now. Not dwelling on that.

Tomorrow is going to be a race, I feel.
That is unless the new Scotland map comes available. I’m not sure if that’s tomorrow or Friday. If it’s tomorrow I’ll do that. If not, I’m ready for a race. I wonder if the Flat is Fast series is still on-going, or whether it’s changed now it’s February?
Ahh well, lots to keep me distracted.