Decent ride today, albeit I was a little too hot. This was due to having to wear my bib tights due to my shorts being wet, and as it looked like it was about to rain when I set off I had layered up with a long sleeve jersey and my rain jacket. Well, I had to delayer within 5k’s as I was roasting. After that I was wishing my legs were bare, but I managed.
The aim today was pretty straightforward: just aim for 30km.
I didn’t have a speed in mind, nor even a route really, but I did want to keep it flat.

Annoyingly, yesterday was a scorcher. But I think I did my knee in a bit on Tuesday with my sprinting, and by yesterday I knew I needed to take a rest day. So I’d missed out on the awesome weather and had to make do with the threat of drizzle today. However, as it turned out the only wetness I encountered was the sweat dripping off me from pushing myself.
As I pootled around today I noticed at one point I was hitting 40kph at around 3.7w/kg, on a 2% decline. I managed to keep that up for about two to three minutes at a guess. Now, compare that with what the pros have been doing in the Giro, where a day or two ago they averaged 50kph for the first hour… holy moly.

One annoying thing today was I’d forgotten to charge my Garmin. As soon as I set off I saw the battery level was at about 10%. Within 30 minutes (longer than I expected actually) it went into power save mode. Therefore a good chunk of this ride was based on feelings alone. Fortunately by that point I had found my rhythm. I’d hate to do an outdoors climb ride without the Garmin these days… guaranteed to blow myself up.
All in though, enjoyable and productive. Can’t complain. I am feeling it in my knee as I type this, which is a bit worrying. Will that impact my weekend? Who knows. Either way I’m pretty tired and am looking forwards to a good night’s sleep.