The plan today went out of the window. So much for the easy ride. I found myself setting a PR on Strava (but not on Garmin), on a local hill, along with a few other PR’s to boot. Silly.

Why it’s silly is because I’m trying, really rather poorly, to rest up my right calf. The smart thing to do would have been to do a turbo session, or maybe even take a rest day. But the weather is / was too nice, and I wasn’t quite at my weekly riding goal so off I went.
Mostly this was fine until I got close back to home. I came up on a little climb that comes after an equally sized downhill. It’s a U-bend style climb, straight down, then straight back up. Anyway, all was good on the way down, I figured I would be sensible and just easy gear it.
But no.

For reasons currently unknown to me, I found myself out of the saddle and pushing hard. And as soon as I did, I felt my right calf pull sharply. Seeing out the rest of the ride was OK, and fortunately if it had all gone pear shaped I was close to home. But I suspect I will be suffering for that one tomorrow.
Anyway, tomorrow is a rest day. Much needed, but only because of this calf strain. The rest of the week has been fairly laid back. One things for sure, it’s still hot here. Too hot. I’m not looking forwards to spending a day at the PC in this heat. Writing this blog post is about as much as I can currently handle.
However, as it’s work from home, I guess I can do it nude. Nude Mondays. It’s a new thing.