First Training Peaks Virtual Workout

There are really two things to talk about today, and one of them is far more interesting than the other. The first is that TrainingPeaks Virtual actually has an option, which I’ve never noticed before, that allows me to use the power meter as the primary source when available. I’m not entirely sure what this … Read more

Training Peaks Virtual: Bot Race

Over the Christmas break, while I was off the bike, I wasn’t completely away from cycling. I spent quite a lot of time watching YouTube videos on both outdoor and indoor riding. One of the recommended videos was about racing on MyWhoosh. As I watched the video, I got curious about the creator’s other content, … Read more

Training Peaks Virtual – First Ride

I’ve been thinking about it for a few days, and I finally got around to it today—installing TrainingPeaks Virtual and getting in a couple of rides on it. There’s loads to discuss because it’s new software that I’ve never tried before. This isn’t going to be a comprehensive review, just my initial thoughts. To sum … Read more

Never Mind Race Attacks, This Was Heart Attacks

If I had to sum up this ride, it would be “classic Chris.” Having been off the bike for a couple of weeks due to illness and then a bout of laziness, what I probably should have done is either a low or medium-intensity ride. Perhaps, as I originally thought a few days ago, I … Read more