Today’s plan was actually to ride earlier than I did. But real life commitments get in the way, and so I was delayed going out until after noon.
According to the forecast we were due some showers around 1pm, so I wasn’t overly hopeful of getting a long-ish ride in. As such I tried to stay fairly close to home, which meant some of the roads were a touch stop / start, which really screws up the rhythm.

However, 30 minutes in, I was sweating and rain was nowhere in sight. So I figured I’d carry on for as long as I could and see if my luck held.
It did. In a way.
Whilst I got in some warm weather cycling, unfortunately my right shoulder has once again started to ache. Two days outdoors is all I managed. I wonder if I am over stretching it? It all seems to have started after I stopped and stretched to loosen the tension, and maybe that’s somehow pulling it too far when it’s already over worked?
I don’t know.
Sucks though.

After that I went home as the damage was done. Back to indoors.
The rain then came, later in the afternoon. But when it came it was torrential – certainly not something you would have wanted to be outdoors on your bike when that happened. Annoyingly I had just washed my bike before it started to come down, so I had to bring it in soaking wet.
Still, it’s clean.
I usually do a Monday rest day, but I’m away on Wednesday this week with work, so it’s looking like tomorrow will be a riding day. Maybe even a race day. Have to see how I feel.