Push The Tempo

Well, so much for this one being a tempo ride. It was supposed to be, but not realising what ranges my numbers are, this one somehow was predominantly Threshold.

I’m not unhappy about this. I went out to give myself a longer, harder ride – not a max effort, but definitely aiming for a brisk pace.

The route I had planned out unfortunately hit on some road works so I ended up doing a little detour. That then had me worried I would either take longer than planned, or come in short when I was aiming for 30km. Fortunately I do know those roads now, having spent many rides out near Beacon Fell. As such I was able to come in pretty much bang on where I wanted to be.

When I got home the Garmin informed me of my revised FTP figure:

So this is down on my 20 minute effort. Not surprising. I actually place more faith in the hour figure personally. As such I opted to ‘update’ / keep the 241w figure. I look forward to it changing yet again tomorrow.

Tomorrow’s ride is yet another 20 minute max effort. Once that’s out of the way I can relax for the rest of the ride, and for the next few days. In many ways I don’t want to do yet another hard effort. But I guess it’s for the best.

Anyway, that’s me for today.

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