It’s been a wet day here. Usually on a week day when I’m riding, the first thing I do when I wake up is I peek out of the curtains – if it’s wet, or worse, still raining, I tend to feel a bit down about things.
Well, today it was wet, and raining. But whilst the coffee brewed I checked the weather app and, apparently, it was due to stop by lunch time.
The problem was: meetings. Meetings I knew about, and then some others that I didn’t.
And whilst I was ready to ride by 11, I didn’t actually get on the bike until 2pm. That’s not such a bad thing, because as I said yesterday, riding at lunch can have its … challenges.

The roads were quieter, but the problem was the ominous rain clouds which loomed pretty much from the off. Judging by how it had hammered down earlier, I knew once the rain began, I would be soaked in short order.
I managed about 95% of the ride. I chanced it on the way back, doing a loop around to get in a second lap and extend the ride, whilst staying fairly close to home so that if the weather turned, I wouldn’t get quite as wet.
But alas, I did mistime it. That extra lap meant I got drenched. Once the heavens opened, it was game over. Within the 5 minutes or so it took me to get back, I was soaked through and very cold.
The one saving grace is that yesterday the bike got absolutely disgustingly filthy, thanks to a road cleaner exiting one of the many, many new build housing estates round here, just as I was passing through. So the frame is coated in some kind of clay. I was going to wash it off yesterday, but laziness meant I didn’t. At least some of it came off in the downpour…
Got to look for the positives.