Pretty grim this one. Maybe don’t read if eating.
OK, so it was a toss up today between going for a ride, going for a walk, or doing nothing. Immediately after yesterday’s ride I wasn’t thinking I’d be in the mood for another one so soon. But waking up at 6:30, by the time I’d had my coffee and watched some nerdy stuff on YouTube, I was already starting to feel like I needed to head out.
So, feet still not ideal, I figured why not head out on the bike?
My plan was to stay on the bike paths / off the roads, where possible. Being early Sunday morning, technically it should be the quietest time of the week anyway. Just the Palm Sunday church going motorists to avoid.

Out I went in bib shorts, long sleeve base layer, long sleeve jersey, gilet, and fingerless gloves.
Immediately I was cold. Of everything, I wished I had brought my neck gaiter, but I figured once I got off the main road and onto the cycle path (Guild Wheel), the wind might calm down, which thankfully it did.
Being on the cycle paths, this one was never going to be about distance. Just duration and, ideally, low intensity stuff.
I had in my head I’d ride the Guild Wheel down to Avenum Park, but midway around I encountered some fairly deep puddles which, thankfully, I managed to jump without getting too filthy. But I figured best not keep on that route as I know from experience it gets a lot muddier a bit further on.

So I skipped onto the road and went out to town, and aside from nearly getting ploughed by a police car who didn’t bother observing a stop sign, I was fine enough. Honestly, there’s an incident every ride. But a worse one was yet to come.
Meandering around Avenum Park, I decided I’d do a circuit, then head back out and climb up the hill near the train station, then head home. As I was on my second loop, coming down the hill at a decent speed, I jumped the silly little speed bumps they’ve put in, and then…
Out ran a rat.
A real chunky fella as well. About the size of a small cat.
I swerved, but it ran at me, missing my front wheel but, skin crawlingly, I hit it with my back wheel. If you have ever run something over in your car, and you feel it whack against the chassis and up through your seat… well, imagine that, but on a bike. So far worse.
I had to stop, mainly to see if I had rat splat on my wheel. Fortunately not. I mean the little critter carried on running, but surely I damaged it fairly substantially. I’m thinking it’s probably dead in a bush right now.
After that though, I felt a bit rank.
It’s weird ‘cus I’ve heard Preston has a rat problem lately from someone else. And I’ve seen several dead rats around when walking and riding. But to see a live one, and to run it over? That’s too much for me.

That was enough to call it quits for me. Ride over. And yet another reason to wash the bike, if I hadn’t had one already.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. A public park, in the town centre, right by a river. Rat central. But I’d rather not see them. And I’d certainly rather my bike didn’t come in contact with them.
Riding home from my time trial yesterday morning, something smallish and dark dashed out of a hedge and straight under my front wheel. I was mostly concerned with staying upright, but it was a big old thump…could have been a squirrel or a rat. Didn’t stop to look…
I’d be betting rat if it was dark. Pretty grim 🙁 Yeah, glad mine was a rear wheel strike honestly, front would have been a lot worse.
How did the TT go?
I was riding my Cervelo P5 TT bike – the course was two laps of a 5 mile rather technical circuit. I was 3rd out of 5 who started. Not too bad for an old boy! Rain held off, but loads of standing water, so I got home a bit filthy (22 miles there, a 10 mile TT, then 22 miles home again!
Wow, that’s some bike. There’s a guy I see, infrequently, around this way who rides a TT bike. I rarely find myself using the drops honestly, is the TT position comfortable, or is it something you get used to but is tiring to ride?
Nice work on the race – regardless of where you finish, it’s a solid workout. A top 3 is great though, well done 👍