I know I’ve banged on about this a few times now, so I’ll keep it short.
I’m in a bind.
On the one hand I want to get on the turbo. I want to do some proper structured training.
And on the other I’m absolutely thrashed by the end of the working day at the moment, and I’m craving some time away from the PC.
As much as I’m kinda downhearted on outdoor riding lately, particularly during rush hour, I still found myself outdoors today.
Overall the ride went fine. Just a couple of van drivers who didn’t indicate, but nothing overly dangerous by the usual standards. Thankfully.
With the whole indoor thing in mind I’ve been contemplating trying our Rouvy.
I’m looking for a decent app with workouts, and so I found myself watching this last night:
I was pretty pumped up after that one.
But then I watched this one:
So whilst it looks alright, it also looks … kinda frustrating?
In many ways the UI reminds me of the Tacx Software… they should have done more with that, it was decent. Terrible name though.
Anyway, I’m pretty knackered.
Truthfully I think I’m just gunna re-sub to Zwift. It’s no wonder it’s the most popular one really. It’s better than everything else. Not by much. But enough.