Moaning isn’t the most fun thing to read, I’m sure.
Unfortunately today it is going to be a bit of a moan. I’m in real pain from my shoulder. It’s a constant nagging dull ache, turned into a genuine pain once out on the bike for any length of time.
What helps is a hot bath with my shoulder submerged, rest from both the bike and the computer (err), and self massage.
But nothing’s solving the problem.
I’m hoping a week’s enforced rest this forthcoming week ahead is going to have some noticeable impact and, fingers crossed, an improvement. We shall see.

For today I did the same loop – give or take – as last week. It’s not an efficient route, in so much as there’s a lot of stop / start. But it stays local so that if I get into real pain, I can end the ride early and not be too far away.
Even at 45 minutes today I was flagging. Bit concerned by that. The problem is all my rides lately are short – 30-45 minutes being the average – so I’m losing that hour’s fitness I had. Not sure how to change this in the short term, as week days are not conducive to hour long rides. And at weekends, as currently, I can’t handle it due to the shoulder problem.
The frustrating part is things aren’t as bad, by far, if I stay indoors on the turbo. But it’s roasting lately. So hot I can’t handle a ride inside at 26c which is what it is in this room at lunch time. It’s the computers (plural) and monitors (triple). Heat central.
Anyway, I might go for a walk tomorrow instead. I need to go to the shops also, which isn’t something I’m looking forwards to.
It’s a tough life.
Moan over.