Road Werks

Turn around when possible. Good Lord almighty. Tonight was a series of wrong turns. Some were my fault. I find the Garmin sat nav a bit fiddly, and with sunglasses on and traffic passing by, I sometimes miss a road or two. But worse is when I get to the turn and its shut for road works. Then what?

Well, that happened to me several times tonight. Road closed. No access for anyone, not even cyclists. Oof. 

The route I took tonight was plotted to be fairly flat, and roughly 20km. Its hard to get the full hour at the moment, so pushing for 30km is proving challenging. As such I’ve only done 40km cumulative this week. Not great. Still, it’s 40km more than zero.

This was a new route for me. Some familiar roads, but then heading out towards Clifton, a local village(?) that I’ve never been too before. Along the way I went down several little back paths, routes, and alleys that I never knew existed. There’s always a fine selection expensive houses hidden away down these little routes, and today was no different. Oh to own a Ferrari or two.

I didn’t have a definitive idea or plan tonight, beyond doing some cycling and a bit of exploring so not workout routine to follow. I tend to find I enjoy the prospect of going out on my bike a lot more when I’m off out for a “free ride” as opposed to thinking I need too, or actually following some structured workout. That’s kinda the opposite to indoor rides for me, where I definitely prefer to have some plan or purpose on mind when hitting the turbo.

As its now Thursday I’m hoping to get in a slightly longer ride tomorrow evening. Hopefully outdoors though I’m not sure the weather’s supposed to be up to much tomorrow. If not it will be something indoor, potentially the ramp test.

Got to say I’m more enthusiastic about the prospect or a ramp test than an equivalent full blown twenty minute FTP test. But not by much. Maybe that’s why I keep heading outdoors. Avoiding that as a thing.

Hopefully I’ll get a nice long ride outdoors on Sunday as well. Family swim, and weather permitting. Who the heck knows though.

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