Slacked off today. Not that I feel bad about it. When I looked at the week’s comparison figures between this week and last just now, I can see I did pretty much the same this week as I did last, only this time it was over 4 rides whereas last week was over 5.
I’m not gunna lie, I am out of form lately. When I was predominantly indoors, those crazy mammoth Zwift rides were more normal for me. But that one on Friday really smashed me. And as such I didn’t ride yesterday, nor did I much feel like riding today.
However, I needed to make up for a little alcohol over indulgence over my week off, particularly Thursday, Friday and Saturday. So it was back on the bike today, come what may. Fortunately the weather was decent enough for an outdoor ride, and so off I went.
Now, I didn’t have a huge amount of time. I could either wait for my wife and eldest to get back from their trip out (around midday), or I could go early doors and get back by 10:45 so they could leave me on daddy day care with our youngest. Knowing if I didn’t do this one early I was increasingly less likely to do it, I decided to get my lazy backside out of bed and get pedalling.
Not having a route in mind, I simply went with whatever the mood took me today. I do quite like rides like this. No pressure, just go down whichever road looks the most appealing as and when I see it. Not that Preston has that many appealing roads, to be fair.
I do very much like riding through Avenum Park on a Sunday morning, so I made sure to throw that in the mix. Always pleasant to be down that way early on, it’s got a nice atmosphere whatever the time of year.
After that I went back via Preston town centre and got a jovial white van driver giving me the F’s and blinds for having the audacity to use the road properly. I can’t wait to get my ‘dash cam’ so I can make a regular compilation of these morons for the ol’ YouTubes.
Then it was pretty much back home to sit outside, have a brew, and enjoy the sun.
Honestly, I was a little disappointed to have to end my ride ‘early’ today as it felt like I’d just about warmed up and was feeling good in the legs. But. And this is a big one. I know I have the Zwift Academy 2021 workouts #1 and #2 to do this week ahead, and I have now missed the public workout #1 ride, so will need to do that solo. Both look like I need my legs, so that was one other reason for taking it easy today.
Perhaps I should have stayed in and done the turbo session. I just didn’t fancy it though.