Honestly, bit disappointed with the ride this morning.
I waited for a couple of hours longer than I would usually, hoping that the weather came good. It was dull and cloudy outside, but had I actually stepped foot out of the house I would have likely found it much warmer than it looked.
As it was, by the time I went out – in my long sleeve base layer and short sleeve jersey – I felt a little overdressed. It was warm. Not crazy warm, but still warmer than a day requiring a long sleeve anything.
I perhaps should have changed, but I didn’t.
Instead I set off, not really sure where to go or what to do.

In the end, I seemed to be meandering towards town. Never a particularly bright idea. I figured I’d go there first, do a lap of Avenum Park, then maybe head out more into the countryside.
But early on my shoulder started to feel sore. It was absolutely fine yesterday, but today, within ~15 minutes it was aching. It’s a recurring pain, and typically it seems to be much worse when riding outdoors. I suspect it’s a combination of issues – perhaps a bad bike fit, the bumpy roads, the fact I sit at a desk for 8+ hours every day…
Anyway, combine the sore shoulder with a humid day, a lack of a riding plan, and a general lethargic feeling and within 30 minutes I was back home. Frustrated.
Not a great ride at all really. I can’t blame anything other than myself. I wasn’t in the mood. Perhaps a walk would have been a better bet.
Anyway, at least I didn’t stay out for ages and aggravate the shoulder any further. Every cloud.